Friday, September 12, 2008

An alternative to traditional debates

While watching "The View" this morning, ...and no, I don't watch it often, ...John McCain happened to be introduced. Regardless of who you like, I have to give him props for handling some very tough questions from a mostly hostile host/panel. They tried to really grill him, and he did a fantastic job of articulating his platform and the record of Palin. He even suggested that he and Obama come back on the show together in order to discuss issues in an un-scripted way.

The debates will be coming up shortly, but you might agree that they seem to be too scripted, too artificial, etc. I would love to see more authentic discussions like I saw this morning.

I want the candidates to be grilled like McCain was this morning, forcing them to field tough questions from the audience and answer them on the spot, ...before talking to their political advisors. This is what is missing in traditional debates.

While I am still not convinced that McCain is the best choice, I do give him kudos for having the stones to stand his ground this morning. The ladies of the View really tried to stumble him up, it was obvious. But doing so allowed McCain to show his humanity, and by the time he left, the audience seemed to be on his side.

Let's hope that Obama will do the same. I would love to see he and McCain come back on the show together. The voters deserve it.

Let's see these two guys be held accountable to the people they are hoping to serve.

Someone from Cincinnati said: "I aint going to work today, and if I aint going to work, ..."

Get a piece of peace.


ylmurph said...

are you saying they're serving Woopi Goldberg or the skinny girl that's married to the football player?

welcome to Blogger

Steve Fuller said...


Michael Joseph Sharp said...

Murph: I don't know if I'd call her "skinny."

Fuller: Booooooooooooooooooooooo-ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom!

Thanks for posting