Have you ever experienced a really strange coincidence?
There is this idea of serendipity or providence that comes up for me every once in a while. You know, where life-stuff happen in such a way that it forces you take pause, … and think twice about who might be pulling strings. Here are two of the most recent for me:
I am taking a new job with a new office. A friend and I checked it out, and it is a mess. The old occupant seems to have vacated the space in a hurry, and he left a bunch of junk I don’t need. BUT, one thing he left is a small, framed quote on the wall. It is the only thing left on any of the walls. There are lots of nails where other stuff was hanging, but for some reason this one framed quote was left behind. The peculiar thing is that the quote is one of my favorites. In fact, I like the quote so much that posted it permanently on this blog months ago. (It is the quote to the right of this post, which was authored by Margaret Mead.) Isn’t that weird?
Another oddity: A loved one (Hi, Gina K) sent me a link to a video about an armless and legless young man who is a believer. This guy has been dealt such a difficult hand, yet he seems to rise above it, live in joy, and share that living and understanding with others. But when I went back to the email, clicked on the link, I found that the video had become a dead-link. Instead of showing a video, it says "This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Probnoblem Music (BMI)." I was so bummed because I wanted to share it. I wanted other people to be as moved as I was. And then I walk into church today, at our new, cool space, and what happens? They freaking play the video!!!!!! The exact video!!!!! For hundreds of people!!!!! Amazing.
I am sure others have had similar experiences. Maybe it’s all coincidence. Maybe it’s something bigger.
Do you have any similar stories?
I have one more of these stories to share, … but I am almost afraid to because I don’t think people will believe me. It is so crazy, … so unlikely, … that it would seem that I must be making it up. But I’m not.
Maybe I’ll post it next time.
Someone in Cincinnati is thinking,"now, what are the odds.....
That is so cool the Vineyard played that Clip! He indeed is an inspirational human being to everyone.
When life hands you big challanges I beleive a big victory is in the future.
Things like that happen to me alot. I don't believe in coincidences, so.......must be something bigger. And I REALLY want to know your other story! I'll believe it, I promise!
I don't even believe the one about the quote, and I was the person there to witness it.
I believe!!!!! I believe!!!! I can't imagine living any other way. How could you not with all of the absurd, crazy, ludicrous, indescribable things going on these days... Crazy times! Crazy times Indeed!!!
Very cool stuff.
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