The Vineyard Westside is moving to a new building. We are moving from a movie movie theater to an actual building designed for churchin.'
Even though this move can be nothing but a good thing for a number of very obvious reasons, my initial reaction was a negative one. But why? After a little thinking about why I would be hesitant about the move, and after sitting in church this Sunday and hearing Tim talk about Moses, the dessert, and fearful people, ... it suddenly became crystal clear:
I am afraid of change.
I have lost sleep this week worrying about accepting a promotion at U.C. which would triple my salary and put me in a position to really exercise my passions. There is really nothing about this change that is negative, but I am laying awake at night worrying about it.
It's almost like part of me would rather stay right where I am, doing exactly what I'm doing, making just as much as I'm making now, etc., because it would take the fear away, ... I could stay comfortably isolated from risk.
I imagine that this is how people get trapped in their lives. Whether it's anger, addiction, or apathy, people would rather stay miserable than accept the change God is trying to put on them.
Does anyone else out there have any of this ... fear of change?
Someone in Cincinnati wants to try some clothes on today but can't seem to find the changing room.
AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! You're not alone. There aren't too many people who like change. It's scary, its requires risk, and we could fail. I guess you could say, we may have to admit that if we step into the dressing room, that the dress really does make our ass look fat. BUT (no pun intended), when we stop pretending that the dressing room hasn't always been there and we've just ignored it, we can step in and see the real us. WHAT FREEDOM!!!!! We can stop pretending and become...well...us.
Now we're onto something... If the Son has set you free, then you are free indeed!
I love Change, love it, love it, love it, especailly change that is such a great and positive one like the one you have been offered.
This is your passion and if you do not take a risk you will never know, life is about taking risks.
Some change I love and some scares me to death. If your worried about what to do with all of the money from your pay raise though I have a few ideas. I'm just here to help
OC: Thanks for the kind words. You guys are really starting a fire on the Westside. I can't tell you how grateful many of us are.
Gina K: Thank you for the prayers and support. It really means a lot.
Dan: What do you have in mind? I'm all ears.
Well.... apart from giving it to me, hmmmm. Seriously though, there are a million and a half things to do with it. I'm sure God will lead you.
It's interesting. We just started seriously tithing (sp?) not too long ago. What are your views on tithing?
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