Do you ever find yourself standing in front of the bathroom mirror at your office/job washing your hands, when you suddenly see an ink-spot on your favorite shirt? You know, the shirt that seems to garner more compliments than any other shirt you own? The shirt that tends to make it through your starting-five rotation more often than your other, let's say "lesser," shirts? The shirt that makes you feel like Brad Pitt crossed with Barak Obama? The shirt that is made all-the-better by the fact that it is a famous brand-name shirt (with matching cool tie) that you purchased on sale from T.J. Max, which is the place that you normally never find shirts that 1.) you like and 2.) are also actually in your size?

(sorry for the somewhat "creepy" picture here, but you get my point)
Well, here is what to do in such a situation:
1.) curse in hushed tones so few can hear
2.) use wet paper-towels to blot, blot, blot the spot
3.) walk into the office of your co-workers, looking stupidly angry and perplexed, with with your hands out to your side, palms up, and exclaim, "look at this #*%@, ... this is my favorite *%#$&*&%% shirt!"
4.) become more angry and feel more stupid at their seeming lack of care
5.) use this as a reason to go home early, particularly on a Friday :)
6.) go home, take off said shirt, and stick it in a sink of cold-water
7.) google "get ink out of cotton shirt"
8.) wade through the mostly senseless ideas, but get a feel for what just "might" work
9.) after deliberation, use a Q-tip to apply fingernail polish remover to stain, and blot, blot, blot the spot away
10.) smile, file this away as yet another justifiable reason to leave work early (particularly on a Friday), and blog.
Could this be a personal experience from which you speak??
I must admit, I had a party the other week and a friend asked me if I had nail polish remover? To her surprise I said yes. I keep it because it removes ink prices from stuff that I buy to sell.
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