What is your power? Where do you find it? What do you revolve around? What do the results look like?
I find that when I try to attain power from earth-bound things, I get let down, frustrated, and depressed. When I set my gaze a little *higher* ... then power becomes something more substantial. It is in these moments where my life makes a little more sense and I become a little more free.
If you make it through the entire clip here, by the way, you might like the others by Levni Yilmaz. I particularly like the one about "girls."
If you make it through the entire clip here, by the way, you might like the others by Levni Yilmaz. I particularly like the one about "girls."
I have always had a hard time taking orders from people I did not respect, even if they were my boss. For nearly 10 years at my current job, I have seen managers come and go and always thought I could do a better job. Well now I am the shift manager, and I make alot more mistakes than I thought I would. Humility is hard, but it is the best way for me to keep everything in proper perspective.
I heard someone say that as a white male (that's me), I inherit power. Culturally it has been passed on. It is legitimized by a host of things; other white males, institutions, the subjugated and on. But the question is: "Is it legitimate power?" in other words the question would be "Says who?".
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