Sunday, December 7, 2008


So, while *working* I happened to find myself surfing the internet, where I found the following video by Levni Yilmaz.  While it is a humorous, interesting way to make sense of power (or lack of such), it does bring to the table an interesting question about how we get it and what it might be.

What is your power? Where do you find it?  What do you revolve around? What do the results look like?  

I find that when I try to attain power from earth-bound things, I get let down, frustrated, and depressed.  When I set my gaze a little *higher* ... then power becomes something more substantial. It is in these moments where my life makes a little more sense and I become a little more free.

If you make it through the entire clip here, by the way, you might like the others by Levni Yilmaz. I particularly like the one about "girls."


Eric said...

I have always had a hard time taking orders from people I did not respect, even if they were my boss. For nearly 10 years at my current job, I have seen managers come and go and always thought I could do a better job. Well now I am the shift manager, and I make alot more mistakes than I thought I would. Humility is hard, but it is the best way for me to keep everything in proper perspective.

inverted banana dancer said...

I heard someone say that as a white male (that's me), I inherit power. Culturally it has been passed on. It is legitimized by a host of things; other white males, institutions, the subjugated and on. But the question is: "Is it legitimate power?" in other words the question would be "Says who?".