Always remember that you need good, adjustable feet.
Perhaps "balanced" is best.
If this part is taken care of, the drive band tension rod will govern the flyer whorl and bobbin just fine as it sits and spins in the flyer orifice.
If not, regardless of what you do with the T-knob, the brake tension rod, and the brake adjusting rod, your rear and front maidens will be all mussed up, which will in-turn throw the whole system off-kilter, ... making the flyer and bobbin useless.
It goes without saying, then, that when this imbalance happens, the Mother-of-All will not hold the drive wheel correctly, which causes the Footman to go bonkers, ... and your treadles will not do what they are built to.
If not, regardless of what you do with the T-knob, the brake tension rod, and the brake adjusting rod, your rear and front maidens will be all mussed up, which will in-turn throw the whole system off-kilter, ... making the flyer and bobbin useless.
It goes without saying, then, that when this imbalance happens, the Mother-of-All will not hold the drive wheel correctly, which causes the Footman to go bonkers, ... and your treadles will not do what they are built to.
You can keep stepping, but you'll just create a giant, unplanned, and misdirected mess.
This can make for a sad day.
And mittens aren’t made with sadness, ...now are they?
This can make for a sad day.
And mittens aren’t made with sadness, ...now are they?
Some people from Cincinnati asked themselves today: "Am I just spinning wheels?"
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